MS Mixed Team @ Hyla Middle School

Spring Ultimate for Middle Schoolers!

Late February – Early May. Practices and scrimmages as a team at Hyla Middle School. Practices 3 times a week after school.  Season ends after the Spring Reign Tournament. Please contact Hyla Middle School for more information about their team.

WHAT: Ultimate (Frisbee) Season!


WHERE: Hyla field, middle school campus

WHY: Ultimate is for everyone – truly. It’s inclusive, fun, and relies heavily on self-awareness, internal mediation, and advocacy – hence it’s a natural fit for Hyla, which explains why it has been a beloved school tradition for many years. Every year we welcome students who have never played before as well as seasoned athletes looking to hone their technique. Ultimate at Hyla is open to Hyla students, and to ALL local students from ANY school (or homeschooled) in grades 5-8.